Sunday, August 19, 2012

Why I should be hired as a writer

I've always loved writing. Since I was 8 years old, I would consistently write in my personal journal about my random ramblings of the day, including my fears, wishes, dreams, and my plans. At school, when we were required to compose essays, words flowed easily from my hand and I found myself expressing my thoughts perfectly in paper, rather than verbally in front of the class. I was that awkward, shy student who dreaded oral recitations, but loved composing essays. While others had the gift of speech, I had the gift of writing. I loved writing, and I still love writing to this day.

Growing up I never considered using this skill for my future job or career path, because I had my mind set in reaching the skies as a flight attendant one day. Sadly, that day never really came, though in a way I have experienced the jet-setter lifestyle, as an assistant cabin crew for a Middle-Eastern airlines. That requires its own separate blog entry.

Recently I find myself wanting to write for a living.

If you have the power to hire a new writer, hire me! :-)

why me?

Let me count the ways.

1. I enjoy writing.

As I mentioned earlier, since my childhood days, I would rather write than to talk in front of people. I express myself best in writing. Time spent in writing, is a beautiful flow of time where I find myself relaxed, in the zone, and real.

2. I have my own writing voice.

I don't copy anyone's style. I'm not chic-lit material which can be shallow, annoying, and superficial. I write naturally and effortlessly, without lots of jargons or slang words. My writing is me, and reading my work is like having a cup of coffee with me.

3. But I can adjust to another writing style too.

If you like chic-lit I can give you chic-lit. Throw in THE boyfriend, the materialistic heroine who is too thin, her friends with similar personality disorders, and of course, some scandals.

If you like me to promote your product/services, I would love to write about the features, the advantages and the benefits of your product/services.

I'm happy to adjust my work, on the needs of the business.

3I have a good grasp of the English language, English grammar, proper spelling, and punctuation.

I can edit my own work to near perfection, if not perfection. I can write American-style articles for your business' needs. Readers will not have a headache from too much wrong grammar or poor spelling.

4. I enjoy doing research.

To be able to write factual-based articles with reliable information, it must be backed by thorough research. I love researching about what I'm going to write about, especially if I have very little knowledge of the topic, in order to create an interesting and informative article.

 5. I'm open to new experiences (and challenges).

As a writer, it is good to have a lot of new experiences to be able to write about the latest trends, news, products, and to keep the inspiration flowing. Not to mention, to have a wide selection of topics or experiences to write about, as it is better to write about things that one has experienced themselves.
I'm willing to dive into new experiences for as long as it's not illegal, a crime, harmful to society, or a real threat to my life.

6. I'm a silent and efficient worker.

I'm not much of a talker, but I get things done. With publishing of articles/online content/books, there are deadlines.

If there are deadlines to meet, I will adjust, manage my time, and beat the deadlines. If it is a hard deadline to meet, I will work quietly with zero complaints, until I finish the work.

7. I can write blog entries, informational material, product reviews, feature articles, ESL material for English language learning, short stories, poems, love letters, and business letters.

I would love to write on topics about travel, food, lifestyle, people, inspiration/motivation articles, culture and book reviews.

8. I love learning new things, and I'm open to constructive criticism.

This trait, I believe is a strength and a positive trait for any profession/job. To keep improving, one must keep learning new things. Learning can improve one's skill, knowledge, or attitude, sometimes all of the above, making a person more competent in today's modern world of information and technology.

9. I'm reliable.

Rain or shine, expect me to go to work and get the job done :-)

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If you like this blog/this blog entry and I've convinced you enough to consider me for your opening,

or if you want to hire me right away, you can send me an e-mail at  :-)

I also have another e-mail address written in the resume that I sent to your company, if I applied to the vacancy in your company.

Thank you very much!

I'm looking forward to the day when I start writing for a living.    :-)

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